Mercer Union is an artist-centred platform for contemporary art. Our main objective is to support the creation and development of new and site-specific work, often premiering artists’ work from Canada and across the globe.
Mercer Union is delighted to accept exhibition and curatorial proposals from artists, artist collectives and curators across all media for its Front and/or Back Galleries. The submission deadlines occur twice a year: 1 March and 1 October.
In preparing your submission please consult the extensive archive of Mercer Union’s previous exhibitions as well as the floorplan to give an indication of the gallery spaces available. We also consider off-site projects relevant to Mercer Unions’ vision. |
All submissions must be electronic in form (documents on Mac-friendly CD/ DVD or USB stick), including:
- An artist statement (PDF preferred)
- An exhibition proposal specific to Mercer Union including technical/installation needs, time-frame, etc.
- A numbered image list
- Ten to twenty images of current work or work intended for exhibition. Images should be JPEGs (1024 x 768 pixels max.), named and numbered consistently (e.g. 01Smith.jpg, 02Smith.jpg, etc.)
- Other support material such as reviews and catalogues (print examples accepted)
- A current CV with full contact information
(Please note: we do not return submissions–for material to be returned please provide a Self-Addressed and Stamped Envelope)
Mercer Union offers artists the opportunity to create new works, from conception to realization. We are committed to paying artist and copyright fees according to the guidelines established by CAR/FAC (Canadian Artists’ Representation/Les Fronts des Artistes Canadiens), and provide curatorial support, installation assistance, insurance, promotion, documentation, and commission critical essays to accompany selected projects.
Mercer Union Project Submission Deadlines: 1 March / 1 October, yearly
Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance: First Friday of January / 15 October, yearly Please review the OAC Exhibition Assistance Program Guidelines
All submissions should be mailed or delivered in person. Mercer Union does not accept submissions by e-mail. Exhibition submissions which arrive after the due date will be held over until the next deadline. In order to present a cohesive yearly program, our committees review materials from both deadlines, and decisions are often not made for many months. Please be patient.

Mercer Union acknowledges the support of its memberships, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council. |