University of Guelph: Dasha Shenkman Lecture + MFA Open Studio

Dasha Shenkman Lecture in Contemporary Art Series
University of Guelph and the School of Fine Art and Music
present the 9th annual
Dasha Shenkman Lecture in Contemporary Art
Wednesday March 25, 2015, 6:00pm
War Memorial Hall, University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
Admission Free
Featuring: Michael Snow
Fine Art and Music
Since the fifties, Michael Snow has worked with objects, images and sound separately and together. In this year’s Shenkman Lecture, he will explore the identities of image and sound with examples from his manifold practice which includes drawing, collage, painting, sculpture, photographic works, lithography, holographic works, installation, film, video, bookworks, LP jackets, multiples, music improvisation, music composition, records, cassettes, CDs, performances, tours, broadcasts, soundtracks and sound installations.
Michael Snow is a national cultural treasure. No other living Canadian artist has made as profound a contribution to international visual culture and Canadian artistic identity. The University of Guelph is honoured to host a rare speaking appearance by this great artist.
Michael Snow’s output as an artist has consistently and persistently demanded that his audience be acutely aware of its perceptions. His appearance as the 9th Dasha Shenkman Lecturer will surely demand similar attention from his audience while offering an opportunity to hear a resident legend speak of his work. The lecture is open to the public and will be followed by a question and answer period moderated by Robert Enright, University of Guelph Research Chair in Art Criticism.
The annual Dasha Shenkman Lecture was established in 2007 and is made possible through the support of Dasha Shenkman, OBE, a Canadian art collector and philanthropist who lives in the United Kingdom.
For more information contact:
Sandra Sabatini Ph.D.
Dean's Office, College of Arts
University of Guelph
519.824.4120. x53869
MFA Open Studio 2015
Please also plan to join us for the MFA Open Studios before and after the lecture:
3:00-5:00 p.m. and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Blackwood Hall, Firehall, Alexander Hall, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
The MFA students in the School of Fine Art and Music at the University of Guelph are pleased to welcome the public to their annual Open Studios, offering a rare inside look at the development of new work within the hothouse environment of an art program and a chance to chat with artists about their work in progress.
Open Studios 2015 features work by graduate candidates:
Steven Beckly, Simon M. Benedict, Patrick Cruz, Brandan Doty, Erika Dueck, Paul MacIntyre, John Haney, Maegan Harbridge, MinWoo Lee, Maegan Mehler, Janine Miedzik, Jasmine Reimer, Ambera Wellmann
We will also showcase work by our fourth year Specialized Studio undergraduates:
Chelsea Brant, Tory Berends, Emma Carney, Maya Ben David, Jess Eisner, Dylan Evans, Angela Ferguson, Alison Henry, Katie Holmes, Megan Keogh, Rachel Laurzon, Tessa McDougall, Melina Panara, Katie Schultz, Allannah Vokes in addition to The University of Guelph Senior Drawing Class
The University of Guelph offers a two year Master of Fine Arts Degree that combines intensive studio concentration with seminars in theory and pedagogy. Exceptionally committed graduate faculty and limited student enrolment result in a community that is intensely involved in contemporary art and its discourse. A consistently excellent program of visiting artists, critics and curators extends this community.
Alumni from Guelph's MFA program include Derek Sullivan, Kristan Horton, Katie Bethune-Leaman, Martin Golland, Melanie Authier, Zin Taylor and David Urban.
Press contact:
Sandra Sabatini., 519-824-4120 x53869
Jasmine Reimer, Graduate Open Studios Student Coordinator,
Sandra Rechico, Faculty Coordinator, 519-824-4120 x52324
A free bus will leave Mercer Union (1286 Bloor Street West) in Toronto at 2:00 p.m. and leave Guelph to return to Toronto at 8:30 p.m. Email to reserve a spot.
A free shuttle service between Open Studio buildings is available between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. and again between 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Volunteers will provide directions and guided tours.