Do you have creative prompts or habits to help you get started? Any self-care tips to share?
Honestly most of art happens away from the canvas. It’s easy to berate yourself for not “working” on your work when I think in actuality, we are constantly working on work by just living our lives. I don’t try to limit myself to only mediums I’m comfortable in. I find it helps me to make art that “doesn’t have a purpose” it’s in those moments when I can really experiment.
As in regards to self-care I think it’s important to have a healthy community that can be a sounding board for ideas. Take criticism graciously and always ask questions to yourself. Give yourself time and show up for yourself.
Is there an artist you'd like to go back in time to meet? Or someone you'd love to invite to dinner right now? Who is it and what would you ask them about?
TH: “Not really, most of the artists I like are here, now.”
What are some of the benefits of being in the studio for you? What brought you to Akin?
TH: “I love having a community around that inspires me. Seeing other artists in different phases of their practice gives me hope for the future of the arts in this city. Working at Akin has given me purpose like no other, and being able to serve a community I’m a part of is extremely fulfilling.
I joined Akin after a 3 year hiatus of making or showing my artwork. I had convinced myself for a number of years that being in survival mode and putting all my effort into working to pay rent was top priority. I decided one year to make a painting for a friend and needed a place to work. I ended up joining Akin and it’s one of the best decisions I could of made for my practice.”
What are you NOT very good at? What do you WANT to be good at?
TH: “Wish I was better at attending art shows, it seems like I only get out when someone I know is involved. I’ve made this a goal of mine for the upcoming seasons!”
Check out Kiddo at the Akin Vitrine Gallery, 1747 St Clair Ave W, viewable 24/7 from the sidewalk, on till January 30th, 2024.
See more of Theresa Hopkins’ art @Thopkinsart