Ming Smith, June Clark and Suzy Lake in Conversation - today at 7pm at the AGO - FREE!
June Clark, pur laine, 2004, mixed media, Collection of Peter Caldwell + Stephen Mader, Toronto. © June Clark
Join Akin Sunrise artist June Clark, along with Ming Smith and Suzy Lake this evening at 7pm the Art Gallery of Ontario for a conversation about photography, career, and critical reception for the CONTACT Photography Festival. This is a free event.
About June Clark
June Clark has earned a national and international reputation for her photo-based image works, installations and interventions. Clark’s works explore the intersection of family history, recollection and identity. Clark grew up in Harlem, a major centre of Black cultural and artistic excellence. In 1968 she moved to Toronto, where she continues to live and create art. She has exhibited widely throughout Canada and abroad, including exhibitions in Ecuador, Austria, Paris and New York. She has taught studio and academic visual arts courses at York University, the University of Guelph, and the Ontario College of Art and Design. Clark has an MFA in visual arts from York University. www.juneclark.ca