Dominique Pétrin: The living room & other displays, 2014
AKA artist-run is currently seeking submissions for exhibitions/proposals of innovative, experimental contemporary artwork in any visual media for the upcoming programming season. Deadline: May 31 2015.Submissions are reviewed annually by a rotating programming committee. We encourage all applicants to read AKA’s Mandate and Vision Statement before applying.
AKA is committed to exploring emerging practices that speak to, reflect and encourage dialogue in our culturally diverse community, including work in all media by local, national and international artists. AKA pays artist fees at or (when possible) above the CARFAC national average and is an active member of the Plains Association of Artist-Run Centres.
Submissions Guide
Submissions as a single PDF document are encouraged. AKA artist-run only accepts digital submissions via email: gallerycoordinator@akaartistrun.com with subject heading: AKA Submission 2015.
Please ensure ALL FILES contain your NAME.
Submission packages should include:
1. Exhibition or project DESCRIPTION (max one-page)
2. CV with contact information
3. IMAGE LIST (titles, dimensions, dates, media)
4. Support Material
- a of maximum of 15 JPEGs at no larger than 1024 x 768, 1 MB
- images must be numbered, titled and include your last name, and correspond to the image list, example:01LastNameRedPainting.jpg
- RGB, or grayscale colour mode files only (no CMYK)
- Do not submit images embedded in programs such as: iphoto, Powerpoint, and formats other than JPEG of PDF.
IF you are submitting time-based work:
- a maximum of 15 minutes* of time-based work (.mov, .mp4, .avi or link to Youtube, Vimeo or Flickr)
*If you are submitting a combination of images and time-based work, subtract one digital still for every 2 minutes of time-based work submitted.
AKA artist-run
424 20th St. W
Saskatoon, SK
S7M 0X4
Twitter | Facebook
Tuesday to Friday 12-6 PM
Saturdays 12-4 PM
Exhibitions are free and open to the public.
AKA artist-run acknowledges the support from the Canada Council for the Arts, City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Lotteries, SaskCulture and the, Saskatchewan Arts Board. A special thank you to Prairie Sun Brewery who “… brew delicious beers with local and quality ingredients for the people of Saskatoon.”