Upcoming events from Akin!

We have many interesting events coming up in November, we hope you can attend some or all of them! You can always visit our online calendar to see what events are coming up or sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Instagram or Facebook to get updated programming announcements!

Akin Lakeshore Studio Launch and Potluck - TONIGHT!

October 24 (tonight!) / 5-7pm / Akin Lakeshore (2970 Lakeshore Blvd W, 3rd Floor) / FREE

Akin invites fellow artists, friends and family members to celebrate the opening of our newest location Akin Lakeshore in Etobicoke! Please join us on the 3rd floor on Thursday, October 24th for food and drinks and some spooky, pre-Halloween fun. Let's get to know each other and the space! Potluck: Eat Drink & Be Merry!! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring some snacks or your favourite dish to the party for us to enjoy a meal together. Click here for more details.

Akin DIY Comics School November Meeting

November 4 / 7:30PM - 9:30PM / Akin St Clair, 1747 St Clair Ave West / FREE / No RSVP Necessary but you can join the Facebook Group or join the mailing list or find out more at www.akin.art/comics

The Akin Collective D.I.Y. Comics School is a group that meets the first Monday of every month with the goal of working together to provide our own continuing comics education. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience!

Taxes 101 Workshop for Artists and Creatives

November 6 / 6:00PM - 8:00PM / Toronto City Hall - Council Chambers / PWYC (suggested donation of $5 per person). Space is limited, you must register to attend: https://bit.ly/2kxmInC

This workshop will help you to be prepared for next year! Atbooks Senior Tax Preparer Tova Epp will touch on some of the most important tax topics for artists including: tax preparation, deductions, tax deadlines, HST, how to handle grants, T4s and more. The session is suitable for artists who are new to filing taxes or those who are looking for a refresher. More info here.

Xpace x Akin: Tenants' Rights Workshop

November 9 / 1:00 AM - 3:00 pm / Xpace Cultural Centre, 2-303 Lansdowne Ave, Unit 2 / FREE - you must RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2P8oOHo

Please join us for a workshop about the basics of tenant rights and affordable housing in Toronto, facilitated by lawyer Ryan Martin. Ryan will give a presentation about some general questions and inquiries regarding tenant rights, as well as advice about housing rights through his experiences as a lawyer. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A.

Anti-Black Racism Workshop

November 20 / 6:00PM - 9:00PM / 918 Bathurst St / $45 or PWYC Option (Suggested Donation $15-$30) / Please RSVP at https://bit.ly/33RzdeF

*All proceeds from this event will be put towards the development of the Akin Studio Rent Relief Fund, providing artists short term financial aid towards their studio rent in unexpected situations or times of financial instability.

This session uses the anti-oppressive framework and an intersectional approach to explore anti-Black racism within a Canadian cultural context. Internalized, interpersonal and institutional manifestations of anti-Black racism are contextualized through the lens of intergenerational trauma, systemic barriers and monolithic narratives. The impact of anti-Black racism, as it interacts with other sites of oppression is explored through case studies, personal reflections, quantitative and qualitative data. Systemic power structures and their impact on the spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and mental well being of Black communities as well as profound institutional inequities will be introduced and contextualized. Participants will critique and problematize current models for allyship and community engagement as well as explore interpersonal interventions and systemic transformations that cultivate liberation.

FORGE Workshop: Grant Writing 101 with the Ontario Arts Council


FORGE: Grant Writing 101 with the Ontario Arts Council 

September 2, 6:30pm
Ontario Arts Council- 151 Bloor Street West5th Floor Toronto, ON


Writing grants is a significant part of many artist's careers- so let's how to do it properly! This interactive workshop will explore the process of planning, writing and submitting grant proposals to different governing bodies

As a major funder themselves, the Ontario Arts Council provide clear examples of the grant writing process and the various the dos and don'ts of everything from creating your budget to organizing your support material and work plan.

Afterwards, participants will form a 'mock jury' and look at real examples of successful (and unsuccessful) grant applications. Join us and learn how to get grants from the people that give them at their own office!


Janice Lambrakos is Information Services Coordinator with the Ontario Arts Council.
Janice Lambrakos takes pride in having worked for the Ontario Arts Council for the past 25 years. She has provided administrative support in a number of program offices, including Community Arts, Film, Photography and Video (now Media Arts), and Literature, giving her an in-depth knowledge of many of the OAC’s granting programs. In 2000 Janice was promoted to Information Services Coordinator within OAC’s Outreach and Development section. This role has taken her to communities throughout Ontario, where she conducts information and grant application-writing sessions with individual artists. She also maintains relationships with other funders and business enterprise centres. Janice very much enjoys helping artists and arts organizations access OAC programs to support their activities. She is also a member of the OAC’s Disability Arts Committee.

Mini MOCCA: Free Workshops for Children at MOCCA

MOCCA presents an engaging children's workshop series featuring exhibition-related arts, crafts, and play-based exploration

Workshops are led by professional artists and skilled arts educators from our local community

Ages 4-12
Free (Suggested donation of $5)
Drop-in (RSVP not required)
Maximum 15-20 participants

*Participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of the workshop
For more information contact Michael Vickers mvickers@mocca.ca416-395-7436

Douglas Coupland-themed Mini MOCCA workshops

March 1: 9:00am-11:00am
Canada in Collage!
What does Canada look like to you? Cut, tear, stick and paste together your own portrait of our nation. Using magazines such as Macleans, Canadian Living and more, participants will explore what our country looks like and create their own unique collages of that vision. What is Canada? What are some uniquely Canadian ‘secret handshakes?’ Participants will use a myriad of arts and crafts materials to explore what it means to be Canadian and make their own collage landscapes to take home. This workshop is led by artist Jacquelyn van Kampen and the Collage Collective.

March 22: 9:00am-11:00am
Colour Coupland: Make Your Own Sketchbook
What is a sketchbook for? How is a sketchbook like a diary? Participants will discuss these ideas and make their own unique sketchbook before practicing using everything from crayons to ink to markers and more. Let their imaginations fill its fresh new pages and then take the book home to explore their creativity further! This session is led by crafter and artist Steph Hung.

April 12: 9:00am-11:00am
Mini Modern Houses: Prints and Inks
Inspired by Coupland’s piece, 345 Modern Houses, participants will design the layout for their ideal room – whether it’s a kitchen, library, bedroom, or playroom – then turn it into an edition of handmade prints! Using printmaking materials and brightly coloured inks and papers, these floor plan prints will be traded amongst participants then arranged to explore and create possible configurations for a MOCCA Mini modern house. This workshop is led by artist Elizabeth Underhill.

April 19: 9:00am-11:00am
Utopian Tower Time
After a special access tour of Douglas Coupland: everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything, participants (and parents that secretly love lego) will look at famous buildings from across the country and then see how Coupland uses building blocks in his artwork. Then it’s time for participants to unleash their creativity and build their own dream constructions! Part architecture, part sculpture, part collaborative installation. Join the group as we create a complex and colourful utopian urban landscape!
Mini MOCCA is generously supported by

Special thanks to Action Potential Lab and Konrad Group.


Call for Proposals – CSV Maker Space

CSV is looking for artists, collectives, and curators interested in promoting dialogue and experimentation about media art. Through our maker space program we are facilitating an open door opportunity to engage with our space and resources.

To apply please send the following information to pam@charlesstreetvideo.com
  1. A short proposal including:
    1. A project description,
    2. How you plan to make use of CSV space/resources,
    3. A timeline for your project (We are open to both short term and long term engagement with our space and resources).
    4. Proposals should be no more than 500 words.
  2. A bio and CV for the lead applicant(s)
  3. A budget breakdown (optional)
Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis and there is a possibility of an honorarium for successful applications. We are interested in supporting projects with a focus on media art (creation, discussion, and exploration), creating collective artistic spaces, and experimental/dialogical work. We will give preference to projects that work in and engage with our space. We encourage artists from traditionally marginalized groups to apply.

If you have questions or would like to discuss a project idea please email pam@charlesstreetvideo.com


Charles Street Video
65 Bellwoods Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 3N4

T: 416-603-6564
F: 416-603-6567

FORGE Collaborative Workshop Series: LIVED BODY Movement + Multimedia

Wednesday, April 9: 7-10pm.
Akin Collective- 444 Dufferin St. Unit E

Facebook Event HERE

Using simple gestures and postures we'll choreograph creative movements that form a basis for engaging in our own practices. Based on our experience as “movers”, we will create 
collaborative multimedia works that play on the idea of the moving body in space and time to gain a deeper understanding of our owncreative processes.

Lisa Meschino has been making art for over 25 years and works with at-risk youth. Expand your
creative toolkit in this collaborative workshop for artists, writers, designers and performers.

AKIN COLLECTIVE PALS SPECIAL: Bring a member of AKIN Collectiveand get 25% off the advance ticket price by signing up together and using the code "AKINPALS". This means you can get in for $15! WOW DEALS. To receive the discount, be sure to mention the name of the Akin member and which studio they use.

ONLINE TICKETS ARE LIVE! Book your advance ticket atwww.uniiverse.com/FORGE.

Here's Lisa Meschino's description of this practice-changing workshop:

Visual art is as much an embodied practice as dance, yoga, or meditation. This workshop will explore in a collaborative way the expressive potential of movement for creating visual works of art. Through a series of guided group activities, we will examine the questions: What is the embodied experience of one’s sense of self? What does that look/feel/move like? Using simple everyday movements in the form of gesture, gait, and posture, we will choreograph sequences of creative movement. Through these movement sequences, we will gain greater awareness of how our bodies naturally move and build empathy and connection with other “movers”. These movement activities will become the basis for engaging in a creative visual process. Based on our experience as “movers”, we will create collaborative and individual visual art works (using a variety of visual art materials) that play on the idea of the embodied self or the moving body in space and time. The format will be a playful, responsive process of co-creation, easily adaptable to an individual participant’s particular interest and experience level in visual art. Given the interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to this workshop, participants can expect to gain:a deeper understanding of their own individual creative processes; the supportive benefit of shared learning and interpersonal awareness; broadening of their creative toolkit; and opportunities for social/creative networking.

APRIL 9th 2014 | 7-10PM
$20 online, $25 at the door



Movement-Based Wall Drawing w/ Mishi Foltyn

A one-time opportunity! FORGE workshops host a different facilitating artist each month.

January 15, 2014.
444 Dufferin Street, Unit E

$20 in advance (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE)
$25 at the door

Or, RSVP to akincollective@gmail.com and please include your name, phone number, and tell us about your creative practice so we can tailor each workshop to its' participants


Where lies the intersection between instinct and reason in our ability to understand and process our surroundings? we'll tap into our intuitive somatic knowledge to make a collaborative large-scale mixed media drawing installation.

Participants will leave with a new toolkit of mark making skills and dance-inspired processes.

Our facilitator, Mishi Foltyn, is a National Ballet dancer turned visual artist. Learn more about the intersections of body and art in this collaborative workshop for artists, writers, designers and performers.

Art Reach Toronto: Free Workshops for Youth

Free Workshops for Youth!

Art of Facilitation | Workshop Series 

Are you an artist with an amazing talent or skill that you want to teach to youth?
Are you looking for new employment opportunities within your art form?
Or, are you just looking to develop and refine your facilitation skills?

The Art of Facilitation is a train-the-trainer workshops series for youth (13-29 years) that infuses popular education techniques with the presentation and facilitation skills needed to engage diverse youth audiences. These interactive and engaging workshops will train you in the areas of facilitation, workshop planning, presentation skills, and creating safe and inclusive spaces.  In addition to this training, you will receive feedback on your facilitation style/approach, individual mentorship from an experienced facilitator in the field and receive a certificate of completion!

So whether you have facilitated before or have never transferred your skills to an audience, The Art of Facilitation will assist you in creating an engaging workshop experience that everyone will love.

*In order to participate in this program, you will have to fill out the survey herehttps://adobeformscentral.com/?f=5IxpNT3U70msy0gSUWVZDg AND attend 5 mandatory facilitator-training workshops at Metro Hall, (55 John Street) on the following dates:

Saturday September 28, 10:00am-4:00pm (room 303)
Wednesday October 2, 5:30pm-9:30pm (room 303)
Wednesday October 9, 5:00pm-9:30pm (room 303)
Wednesday October 16, 5:00pm-9:30pm (room 310)
Wednesday October 23, 5:00pm-9:30pm (room 303)

REGISTRATION: If you are interested in this opportunity, please register with eventbrite here and fill out the survey before September 13th.

This workshop series is being presented by:

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Workshop Descriptions:

Part 1- Best Practices in the Art of Facilitation 
Participants explore the multiple levels in the art facilitation by unpacking their past facilitation experiences and discovering what has worked and has been unsuccessful in the past.  By understanding what techniques work and what should be avoided, the participants will be provided with tip and tools to effectively engage youth audiences.

Part 2- Inclusive and Equitable Practices in Facilitation
Participants will learn how to be equitable in their teaching practices and who create an environment where everyone feels included and engaged through the use of popular education.

Part 3- Working with and Creating Safe Spaces for Marginalized Youth
Participants will learn how to engage marginalized audiences by recognizing the roots of their marginalization and what tools get their attention.  Emphasis will be made on creating safe spaces that youth want to be in and feel respected in.

Part 4- Presentation and Multimedia Techniques
Participants will learn the techniques that will make them stronger presenters.  Participants will focus on their volume, clarity and personal quirks.  Additionally, participants will learn how to use multimedia tools to engage their audiences in innovative ways.

Part 5- Program Organization and Planning 
Participants will learn how to put an effective, engaging, though-provoking workshop together.  Using the tools that they will acquire from this workshop, participants will create a mini workshop that they will present to the group for feedback and critique.

Facilitator Bio 
Letecia Rose is an experienced facilitator that has been involved in developing and implementing programs and initiatives within community agencies and various school boards for the past seven years.  From her experience in community theatre, she uses anti-oppression, popular education techniques, and multimedia to engage the diverse audiences that she works with.  Letecia has led workshops on Islamaphobia, homophobia, Anti-Racism, gender equity, and the practice of conducting courageous conversations in the workplace.  The popularity of these workshops has allowed Letecia to facilitate workplace equity workshops for City of Toronto, The City of Newmarket, Centennial College, the United Church of Canada, Community Microskills, and Human Resources and Skill Development Canada.  She has managed to personally work with over 3,000 youth in hands-on diversity programs and facilitate anti-racism workshops and assemblies for additional 10,000 youth across Ontario.  Currently Letecia works as a Program and Partnerships Manager at Nia Centre for the Arts where she creates initiatives to support Afro-Diasporic arts and artists.

Guest facilitators will also be brought in to share their perspectives on each of the topic areas

Forge - Akin's Collaborative Workshop Series

Call for Expressions of Interest
AKIN Collective: FORGE Collaborative Workshop Series seeking Artist Facilitators

FORGE connections. FUEL your practice. RESHAPE your creative process.

Kicking off this Fall, FORGE will be AKIN Collective's newest creative incubator for practicing artists and designers. Participants will learn and share skills, discuss, debate, bust creative ruts, stretch their abilities, brainstorm with peers and be challenged to step outside of their practice. Workshops can be thematic in nature, and should provide an opportunity for advanced skill building with a strong emphasis on collaboration and knowledge transfer among members of AKIN's community. Workshops should focus on exploring unconventional processes or modes of expression. Take us places we've never been before!

Expression of Interest should include:

A brief bio of yourself and your practice,
+ Documentation of your work and/or any relevant links to your work online,
+ A short outline of the workshop(s) you'd like to conduct,
+ Ideal number of participants, required materials or space, the best time of year to hold the workshop, and any other technical or safety considerations that may apply.

Anyone may submit an expression of interest. Teaching or facilitating experience is considered an asset. If you are interested in organizing and leading a workshop, we want to hear from you! We also want to hear from you if you have ideas about specific topics for workshops you are interested in taking.
An artist's fee participating facilitators will be offered.
Submissions and inquiries can be sent to akincollective@gmail.com.



Creative Blueprint is looking for engaging Artists to teach 3-hour instructional sessions in a new Artist Workshop Series to run seasonally.
Workshops take place in the CB Gallery on Wednesday nights.
The following dates are currently available: 
Wednesday July 24    6:00pm – 9:00pm
Wednesday August 7    6:00pm – 9:00pm
Wednesday August 21    6:00pm – 9:00pm
Artists will be responsible for one 3-hour session, creating their own content and delivering it to students in the CB Gallery.  Class size will be 12 – 20 students.
Workshop must utilize non-toxic materials (no aerosols or solvents) and should present instruction geared to fostering positive experiences with art making.
Creative Blueprint will handle workshop registration and will collect fees from the students. Creative Blueprint will promote this series through the CB website, social media and mailing lists.
Artists will also be encouraged to promote the workshop series.
Artist will be compensated $100 for the 3-hour session.
Please submit your workshop proposal to Creative Blueprint at info@creativeblueprint.ca
Be sure to include a workshop title, a description of the media you intend to use, and a brief outline of the skills you will be teaching or the project you intend to complete with the students.
If students require a specific skill set, experience or materials to participate, please note those details within the proposal.