RBC Arts Access Fund
The Neighbourhood Arts Network and RBC Foundation announce an exciting new partnership and present the inaugural RBC Arts Access fund for newcomer artists. A micro award initiative offered in the spring, summer and fall.

The Funds will range from $500 to $1500 to support costs associated with community-engaged arts projects such as artist fees, art supplies, equipment rental, space rental and food costs for a workshop or event.
In addition to community engaged arts projects, this fund also supports professional development, training and mentorship requests for newcomer artists looking to improve their skills in working in community.
Neighbourhood Arts Network is a strategic initiative of Toronto Arts Foundation. With over 1400 members, our online resources, partnerships and professional development events, help community engaged artists and organizations do what they do best: enrich Toronto and transform it into a more vibrant and liveable city.
INTERESTED? Here’s what you need to do.
1) Sign up for a free Neighbourhood Arts Network membership.
Make your profile interesting, fill it with photos, links to your work, upcoming events, etc.
Make your profile interesting, fill it with photos, links to your work, upcoming events, etc.
2) Next deadline June 15, 2015 - Applications now open