Akin Vitrine Q&A Series: Tiana Robinson installation 'A Simpler Time'

A Simpler Time, an exhibition by Tiana Robinson 

Sep 22 until Oct 22, 2023

The Akin Vitrine Gallery, 1747 St Clair Ave W

A closeup of the paintings in Tiana Robinson’s exhibition, A Simpler Time, against the white walls of the vitrine gallery. Amidst poems, the vibrant, colourful paintings on paper are detailed renderings of flowers and a young girl blowing a dandelion.

Tiana Robinson is a Canadian artist, born in May Pen Jamaica, Her journey as an artist began at an early age, as she was always doodling in class, or at home. In middle school, she was nominated to participate in the Leaf Dreams scholarship program which gave her the opportunity to freely enroll in art classes at the Art Gallery of Ontario where she was constantly being exposed to instructors who were working artists themselves.

Tiana attended C.W. Jeffery’s Collegiate Institute special art program, and it was here that she was introduced to the Modern Batik Art Technique during a workshop. Batik Art involves the application of simple ink outlines, light-to-dark gradation of dyes, and using wax as a resist for separating colours. Tiana was a quick study and gained rapid recognition for her work, including her best-known image, “The Nation of Mothers”, which was purchased by the City of Toronto and now hangs in the Mayor’s office. Tiana graduated with a Bachelor of Design from the York-Sheridan Design Program and is currently working as a Graphic Designer while still exploring her love of art. 

Tell us about your exhibition 

A Simpler Time  was created using  watercolour & gouache paint. This work was based on a poem I wrote called A Simpler Time. It shows a moment we have all experienced in our childhood of blowing a dandelion and watching the seeds scatter. It’s about returning to a time in our lives when we were free to have fun and just follow what felt right, what felt fun, and what made us happy. Summer days are filled with possibility and lots of sneezes.

What are you curious about right now? What do you do to stimulate curiosity and inspiration? 

What I am curious about right now is just exploring new media. I am trying to get reacquainted with my art process, and just let loose and explore what can come out of no expectations. I am working on being a bit more free with my expression and trying to find an authentic voice that is more representative of the woman I am now.


Tiana Robinson, wearing blue jeans and a grey t-shirt, is pictured inside the vitrine gallery installing her exhibition, A Simpler Time, hanging bright, colourful paintings done on paper onto clear string.


What was your first medium and what's your favourite tool/material right now? 

That was crayons, most definitely. Currently, I do mostly digital illustration and modern batik art with wax and dyes on fabric. I like the versatility of digital illustrations and the unique patterns created from the modern batik technique. Recently, I have been revisiting watercolours and gouache mediums and have been enjoying the learning curve of remembering how to work with the medium.

Do you have a studio routine ie: Are you a daily ritual person or are you project-focused in spurts?  

My daily ritual when arriving at the studio is to first put some sage into my little humidifier to set the mood, and set up any tools I need that day. I ask a quick question of where I should start today and flow with whatever my intuition tells me to go.

Do you have creative prompts or habits to help you get started? Any self-care tips to share?

I look at images to gain some inspiration and when I feel that tingle of excitement I follow that thread to the next step. Sometimes I am guided by meditations or poems I have written before and recently I love to turn those poems or messages into a motivational video and utilise music and video to create inspiration for myself and others. I recommend this video to get you fired up.


Artist Tiana Robinson in her Akin Studio


Is there an artist you'd like to go back in time to meet? Or someone you'd love to invite to dinner right now? Who is it and what would you ask them about?

I would love to go back and revisit the younger version of me before I stopped doing art and tell her that only when you are creating can you be fully you, fully grounded, fully really free. I realized after starting this journey again that It’s not losing my identity as an artist that made me fall apart. It was that I lost that ritual that allowed me to discard all the pieces of me that didn’t belong to me. All the external burdens and responsibilities that were not mine to begin with. I was no longer able to shed away that skin imposed on me by external circumstances, and sadly other people’s projections, demands, and responsibilities imposed on me slowly became my identity. I became empty while others became fuller, and paradoxically my spirit became heavier while others became lighter.

What are some of the benefits of being in the studio for you? What brought you to Akin?

In 2020 I became paralyzed after getting sick with COVID, and spent the better part of 2021- 2022 just getting well again. I struggled a lot with my mental health, depression, and anxiety, and can say since getting and coming to the studio I am no longer depressed, my anxiety has reduced significantly and I am a lot happier and more peaceful than a year ago. More confident, even though I don’t know where I am going I just know I will be damned if I am going to stop this again. My new mantra for life now is “protect my peace”.

What are you NOT very good at? What do you WANT to be good at? 

I am not very good at asking for help, and at showing my work. I want to be better at showing every facet of me and just being present and stop overthinking life.

A view of the finished install of Tiana Robinson’s exhibition, A Simpler Time. The paintings and poems are hung on clear string fastened vertically from top to bottom of the white vitrine gallery. The paintings are colourful, intricate images of flowers. On the white floor of the vitrine are paint brushes and small palettes, and a small sign that reads the “A Simpler Time, Tiana Robinson”

See an extended video version of this interview below or click here to view it on YouTube.

Explore Tiana’s work further through her instagram and youtube.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts

#BringingTheArtsToLife @Canada.Council

The Akin St Clair Vitrine Gallery, 1747 St Clair Ave W


Akin’s 2023 Career Launcher Winners Announced!

Akin is excited to announce Damon Couto-Hill and Veerta Kumar as our OCADU Career Launcher award recipients for 2023-24. We’re excited to welcome them into the community! 

These talented graduating OCAD students will be awarded $2,000 in credits to go towards a studio space at one of Akin’s studio locations for 2023-2024. In addition to the $2,000 studio credit, each recipient will receive $450 exhibition credit for use at Akin’s Remote Gallery. 

Image Description: Damon Couto-Hill looks directly to the camera in this close up shot of his face and shoulders. Damon has short brown hair, and brown eyes. Damon is wearing a red, blue, white and black striped collared shirt. Behind Damon is a room with white walls, out of focus. 

Damon Couto-Hill is a Portuguese/Mohawk man and an interdisciplinary visual artist. He is a Six Nations of the Grand River member who grew up in Scarborough and currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada. He works with digital collages to entangle his body with images of Canada, nature, the Western art canon, and the internet to visualize the dysfunctions of Western collective consciousness through an intuitive, dream-like lens. He then translates the digital collage into physical form as fragmented wood panels painted in acrylic and oil, making the image again upon the scattered shards of a slanted mosaic. 

Instagram: @damond.liver

Image Description: Veerta Kumar is smiling beside a large artwork. Veerta has curly black hair and wears a black, shirt with an asymmetrical neckline. The artwork, to Veerta’s left, are bright, colourful circles mounted on a black background. Each circle contains  are backlit, translucent photographs . The circles contain photographs

Veerta Kumar was born in India in 1999 and lives and works in Toronto. She considers the flux, chaos, and fragments of our perceptions to decolonize modes of re-presentation and re-creation. In the past year, she observed the interaction of paint and light and engaged in various modes of making and materials, including ornamentation, textiles, found materials, family album photos, personal photography,  and digital manipulation.

Kumar completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting in 2023 from OCAD University. She received the John Madott Fine Art Award for her recent body of work Tedhi Nazar exhibited at Grad Ex 108.

Website:  www.veertakumar.ca
Instagram: @_veertakumar

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts

#BringingTheArtsToLife @Canada.Council

Akin Vitrine Q&A Series: Enas Satir installation 'A state of Chaos'

Welcome to the Akin Vitrine Q&A (Question and Answers) Blog Series where we highlight the latest Akin Vitrine Gallery installation and present a recent interview with the exhibiting artist. Today’s artist is Enas Satir, whose installation ‘A State of Chaos’ is currently in the Akin Vitrine Gallery at Akin St.Clair (1747 St.Clair Ave West) until the end of June.  Thanks for participating, Enas!  

Please see below for Enas’s answers to the Q&A and to learn more about the exhibition. To see more of her work visit www.enassatir.com or on Instagram @enas.satir

Please see below for Enas’s answers to the Q&A and to learn more about the exhibition. To see more of her work visit www.enassatir.com or on Instagram @enas.satir

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Final Days of Narcissus at Remote Gallery, an installation by Renato Baldin - last day is June 10!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has already visited the captivating exhibition, Narcissus, at Akin’s Remote Gallery! Your support and presence have made this experience truly special. As we approach the final days of the exhibition, we invite you to join us for one last opportunity to immerse yourself in Renato Baldin's transformative artwork.

Explore the themes of queerness, self-love, and body nonconformity as you journey through this unique installation. Don't miss your chance to meet the artist in person and gain a deeper insight into his creative process. He will be available during the gallery opening hours to engage in conversations and share his artistic vision.

Here are the remaining days and hours for the exhibition at Remote Gallery (579 Richmond St West, Toronto)

Wed, June 7: 3-4:30pm (please note the changed hours for today)|
Thu, June 8: 3-7pm
Fri, June 9: 3-7pm
Sat, June 10 (Final day): 1- 6pm

The exhibition will close its doors after June 10th, so seize this opportunity to engage with this captivating display of artistry and self-expression.

Image Description: A series of photographs showing different people visiting the exhibition at Remote Gallery. In some photos they are posing with artist Renato Baldin and looking at the camera, in some photos they are taking a selfie in a mirror, in others they are looking at the artwork on the gallery walls.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts

#BringingTheArtsToLife @CanadaCouncil