Partial Gallery will represent the emerging art scene at Daegu Art Fair in South Korea

In a volatile and evolving international art market, the renowned Daegu Art Fair has taken a forward-thinking step by inviting Canadian online art platform, Partial Gallery, to showcase at the 2019 edition of the Fair in November. Partial Gallery will be the sole Canadian representation at the art fair alongside contemporary fine art galleries from East Asia, Paris, New York and Miami.

The studio of Bianca Roco, one of the participating artists showing with Partial Gallery at Daegu Art Fair.

Partial will be presenting selected artworks by six emerging artists from Toronto, Ontario: Nelson ChengJordan ClaytonLeone McComasLaura Kay KeelingMelissa Patel, and Bianca Roco. This will be the first time that these artists have shown work outside of North America.

This capsule collection of artists was selected by Partial Gallery co-founders Chris Kim and Tammy Yiu Coyne. “The opportunity to introduce the East Asian market to the unique talent, diversity, and perspectives of Canada’s artists was not lost on us. We believe that these artists exemplify Toronto’s incredible emerging art scene,” says Yiu Coyne. Over the course of the fair, Partial’s art offering – and modern art model – will certainly capture the attention of attendees, and signal a shift in modern art buying. Daegu Art Fair says, “We believe this platform will be a great solution to market activation in local art communities.”

Visit Partial Gallery at Booth #94 at Daegu Art Fair from Nov. 14–17, 2019.

To arrange a viewing or to access preview catalog, please contact or

About Bianca Roco
Bianca Roco is an artist living in Toronto, Canada. After moving from the Philippines to study illustration, she shifted focus to painting. Her life-size figurative work of women explores themes of intimacy, isolation, displacement and sexuality. Bianca is part of the 2019-20 Akin Studio Program at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Toronto
Website / Instagram

About Laura Kay Keeling
Laura is a collage artist and analog photographer with an interest in installation works. Themes she is exploring with her new collage works include ideas and concepts of “home”, how we form connections with our communities and nature as well as the internet / social media and its effect on our everyday lives. Laura is part of the 2019-20 Akin Studio Program at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Toronto
Website / Instagram

About Leone McComas
Leone’s painting practice examines ideas of the self and the internalization of social ideals; observations of which are used to create conceptual relationships between figure and post-digital landscapes. Following a growing sense of artistic responsibility, Leone now creates work from her source of life to counter-act the increasing presence of anxiety, social polarization, and emotional fatigue. Metaphors of transformation sift the surface of her work, reflecting ideas of change and perspective shifts; while contrasting matte black paint magnifies the sensation of renewal despite the unknown. The desire to maintain luminosity in her paintings has lead to the development of a unique transparency-driven painting process, which produces highly detailed, saturated, and translucent oil paintings that glow from within.. Leone is Akin Alum and was part of the 2018-19 Akin Studio Program at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Toronto
Website / Instagram

Upcoming events from Akin!

We have many interesting events coming up in November, we hope you can attend some or all of them! You can always visit our online calendar to see what events are coming up or sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Instagram or Facebook to get updated programming announcements!

Akin Lakeshore Studio Launch and Potluck - TONIGHT!

October 24 (tonight!) / 5-7pm / Akin Lakeshore (2970 Lakeshore Blvd W, 3rd Floor) / FREE

Akin invites fellow artists, friends and family members to celebrate the opening of our newest location Akin Lakeshore in Etobicoke! Please join us on the 3rd floor on Thursday, October 24th for food and drinks and some spooky, pre-Halloween fun. Let's get to know each other and the space! Potluck: Eat Drink & Be Merry!! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring some snacks or your favourite dish to the party for us to enjoy a meal together. Click here for more details.

Akin DIY Comics School November Meeting

November 4 / 7:30PM - 9:30PM / Akin St Clair, 1747 St Clair Ave West / FREE / No RSVP Necessary but you can join the Facebook Group or join the mailing list or find out more at

The Akin Collective D.I.Y. Comics School is a group that meets the first Monday of every month with the goal of working together to provide our own continuing comics education. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience!

Taxes 101 Workshop for Artists and Creatives

November 6 / 6:00PM - 8:00PM / Toronto City Hall - Council Chambers / PWYC (suggested donation of $5 per person). Space is limited, you must register to attend:

This workshop will help you to be prepared for next year! Atbooks Senior Tax Preparer Tova Epp will touch on some of the most important tax topics for artists including: tax preparation, deductions, tax deadlines, HST, how to handle grants, T4s and more. The session is suitable for artists who are new to filing taxes or those who are looking for a refresher. More info here.

Xpace x Akin: Tenants' Rights Workshop

November 9 / 1:00 AM - 3:00 pm / Xpace Cultural Centre, 2-303 Lansdowne Ave, Unit 2 / FREE - you must RSVP here:

Please join us for a workshop about the basics of tenant rights and affordable housing in Toronto, facilitated by lawyer Ryan Martin. Ryan will give a presentation about some general questions and inquiries regarding tenant rights, as well as advice about housing rights through his experiences as a lawyer. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A.

Anti-Black Racism Workshop

November 20 / 6:00PM - 9:00PM / 918 Bathurst St / $45 or PWYC Option (Suggested Donation $15-$30) / Please RSVP at

*All proceeds from this event will be put towards the development of the Akin Studio Rent Relief Fund, providing artists short term financial aid towards their studio rent in unexpected situations or times of financial instability.

This session uses the anti-oppressive framework and an intersectional approach to explore anti-Black racism within a Canadian cultural context. Internalized, interpersonal and institutional manifestations of anti-Black racism are contextualized through the lens of intergenerational trauma, systemic barriers and monolithic narratives. The impact of anti-Black racism, as it interacts with other sites of oppression is explored through case studies, personal reflections, quantitative and qualitative data. Systemic power structures and their impact on the spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and mental well being of Black communities as well as profound institutional inequities will be introduced and contextualized. Participants will critique and problematize current models for allyship and community engagement as well as explore interpersonal interventions and systemic transformations that cultivate liberation.